IBM Application Security Bundled Services
OnWire offers services to help customers onboard IBM software and cloud solutions to integrate the services with their environment and IT assets.
Fast Start
The Fast Start services provides expertise and guidance for using IBM testing and risk management features. OnWire will facilitate a web conference to provide education on basic service configurations and functions including scan types, running scans, reviewing reports and installing associated tools and plug-ins.
Advisor on Demand
The Advisor on Demand service provides an OnWire consultant’s time that can be used for activities related to IBM cloud services. The OnWire consultant will assist with security specific topics, including, but not limited to, program management, security testing prioritization, remediation strategies, source code analysis and source code repair. OnWire will work with Client to understand and create a project schedule with specific Client requirements, including project goals, relevant technologies, desired timelines, expected deliverables, and estimated number of Advisor on Demand service engagements.