Malware exists to exploit vulnerabilities discovered in software. Patches exist to fix those vulnerabilities. So why do so many vulnerabilities remain unpatched? Why is patch management so complicated? Sadly, security and IT professionals don’t live in a patch-everything-right-away fantasy land. Trade-offs and compromises are dictated by the conflicting priorities and…
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Protecting against a data breach is increasingly a complex problem for organizations — and the average cost of a data breach continues to rise, up to an average of $3.92 million in 2019 for those surveyed, according to the most recent “Cost of a Data Breach Report,” conducted by the…
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Rapid changes in the payments industry, the meteoric rise of e-commerce and the constant threat of fraud have led the European Union (EU) to update its Payment Services Directive (PDS), which has regulated the electronic payment services industry since 2007. The EU’s new PSD2 directive (2015/2366/EU), a revision of the…
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Are you really prepared to respond to a cyberattack? You don’t want to discover halfway through a data breach that your incident response (IR) playbook cracks under pressure. Just 23 percent of organizations have a consistently applied cybersecurity response plan, according to IBM Security and the Ponemon Institute’s recent “2019…
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