The Expiration Date on Passwords Has Expired

Changing your passwords frequently sounds like commonsense advice, and has served as conventional wisdom in computer security for a long time. However, just because something is common doesn’t mean it makes sense. In fact, many experts believe forced, arbitrary password expiration actually does more harm than good. And with the…

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Threat Intelligence Is the SOC’s Road Map to DNS Security

Remember the nervousness and excitement you felt when you took your driving test? You had to practice for weeks, complete the required paperwork and study countless traffic signs. The latter is especially important because these signs are used to warn and guide drivers. In cybersecurity, like in driving, the earlier…

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Why Security Incidents Often Go Underreported

If you saw a coworker browsing through a database they weren’t supposed to have access to, would you report it? What would you do if you accidentally clicked on a link in a phishing email? Most people would say they’d do the right thing and let the IT or security…

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