Who Carries the Weight of a Cyberattack?

Almost immediately after a company discovers a data breach, the finger-pointing begins. Who is to blame? Most often, it is the chief information security officer (CISO) or chief security officer (CSO) because protecting the network infrastructure is their job. Heck, it is even in their job title: they are the…

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Transitioning to Quantum-Safe Encryption

With their vast increase in computing power, quantum computers promise to revolutionize many fields. Artificial intelligence, medicine and space exploration all benefit from this technological leap — but that power is also a double-edged sword. The risk is that threat actors could abuse quantum computers to break the key cryptographic…

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Deploying Security Automation to Your Endpoints

Globally, data is growing at an exponential rate. Due to factors like information explosion and the rising interconnectivity of endpoints, data growth will only become a more pressing issue. This enormous influx of data will invariably affect security teams. Faced with an enormous amount of data to sift through, analysts…

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Worms of Wisdom: How WannaCry Shapes Cybersecurity Today

WannaCry wasn’t a particularly complex or innovative ransomware attack. What made it unique, however, was its rapid spread. Using the EternalBlue exploit, malware could quickly move from device to device, leveraging a flaw in the Microsoft Windows Server Message Block (SMB) protocol. As a result, when the WannaCry “ransomworm” hit…

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