With the ongoing IT security skills gap and millions of industry positions waiting to be filled, there’s no better way to expand your personal and professional development than by spending focused time at an IT security conference of your choice. For its part, IBM Security will have a major presence…
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As the old proverb goes, time is money. While much of the cost of a data breach is tied to the value of the lost records themselves, many organizations underestimate the costs associated with lost time and inefficient processes, especially when it comes to incident response. Last month, IBM released…
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Over the years, I’ve been fortunate to work with many different organizations from various industries around the world as a consultant tasked with changing security behaviors. My first steps always include assessing the company’s security awareness program and measuring its security culture, because without a baseline, it’s difficult to show…
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The Domain Name System (DNS) is one of the key foundations of the internet. The DNS acts as a sort of phone book by translating user-friendly names like “Google.com” into numeric IP addresses that computers use to move packets of data over a network. The phone book of the internet…
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