How to Check for Blind Spots in Your Security Program

There are so many delegated operations in any business — finance, legal, physical plant functions, etc. — that any number of them can be easily overlooked. Without checking over every minute detail, the overall business appears to function with minimal involvement. Of course, there are a thousand invisible hands working…

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3 Keys to Building a Scalable Incident Response Automation and Orchestration Plan

Incident response (IR) automation and orchestration is crucial to operationalizing cybersecurity, giving overburdened security professionals relief by streamlining processes, maximizing the efficiency of their resources and increasing their organization’s overall security posture. As the volume of security alerts skyrockets and the skills gap widens, security teams are rapidly implementing IR…

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Stay on Top of Zero-Day Malware Attacks With Smart Mobile Threat Defense

The mobile threat landscape is a dynamic ecosystem in perpetual motion. Cybercriminals are constantly renewing their attack techniques to access valuable data, challenging the capabilities of traditional mobile security solutions. Mobile threat defense technology was conceived to tackle the onslaught of cyberthreats targeting enterprise mobility that standard security solutions have…

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