Fifty years ago, Cold War spy tradecraft required ingenious, purpose-built spy technologies. These included tiny cameras that photographed through button-holes on microfilm, which were useful for taking pictures of paper documents, tiny microphones that had to be installed in landline telephone receivers or lamps for recording secret conversations, invisible ink…
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The threat group operating the TrickBot Trojan, the most active banking Trojan family according to IBM X-Force data, has been modifying some of the malware’s modules lately as they continue to deploy their attacks in the wild. As code modifications take place, so do widespread TrickBot campaigns that target a…
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In recent years, a high number of security breaches and data leaks have occurred, ranging from minor disruptions to high-impact hacks. Fortunately, organizations seem to be realizing the importance of cybersecurity, which has been confirmed by Gartner research into growing expenditures around security worldwide, including significant contributions to security defenses.…
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The spread of malware from user PCs to handheld devices such as smartphones has been a gradual process that started gaining momentum about a decade ago. At first, relatively basic Trojans would focus on stealing SMS messages to compromise two-factor authentication (2FA) sent to users by their banks. Then, increasingly…
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