Today, I’m pleased to share some of the key findings from the 2020 Cost of Insider Threats Global Report. This is the third benchmark study, independently sponsored by IBM Security and ObserveIT to help understand the direct and indirect costs that result from insider threats. The first study was conducted…
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I recently came across a lively discussion on LinkedIn where the participants were debating the use of the term ‘cybersecurity’ when they really meant information security. The discussion eventually got lost in my feed, so I never saw if the participants came to a conclusion, but that conversation highlighted a…
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As you read these lines, millions of infected devices across the globe are distributing spam for a botnet known as “Necurs.” IBM X-Force research monitors billions of spam messages a year and following the activity waves of this army of zombies, we estimate it to be one of the most…
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Have you heard about the shortage of cybersecurity skills? It’s likely you have, as it’s hard to miss the headlines. According to Cybersecurity Magazine, “there will be 3.5 million unfilled cybersecurity jobs globally by 2021.” Let’s unpack this a bit. What is cybersecurity, apart from being a buzzword overused by…
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