I recently had the opportunity to speak at a security conference where I presented the operating models that an organization can embrace when managing cyberthreats and the guiding principles associated with them. It was a great chance to share some of my experiences with the greater community and foster intellectual…
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Consumer identities are at the heart of brand engagements today. Digital interactions are a routine part of our lives and touchpoints for consumers have reached astounding heights. Nearly 60 percent of the world is digitally connected and more than half of the world’s population will be using social media by…
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As employers rapidly respond to the need to protect their workforces from potential exposure and spread of the novel coronavirus, also known as COVID-19, many organizations are making the very difficult decision to pivot to a work-from-home model. This means employees will be connecting to corporate networks from whichever device…
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How good are your sleuthing skills? Do you savor Agatha Christie novels and figure out who did it before the big reveal? If so, the skills you use to read a good detective novel may also help you discover the origins of cyberthreats. With serious threat hunting techniques (the kind…
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