Phishing attacks, insider threats, denial of service disruptions, malware and ransomware — cybersecurity incidents like these happen on a daily basis. For most of these incidents, the onsite IT team will remediate based on a pre-developed plan and process. And for many of these incidents, that’s a solid approach. But…
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Working as security consultants is highly rewarding. Companies depend on us to view their environment from the perspective of an attacker and find vulnerabilities that could enable threats to succeed. One of the most impactful parts of our role is when we’re the first to find a major vulnerability that…
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In our journey through the Open Systems Interconnection (OSI) seven layers of networking, the OSI session layer is a gatekeeper that manages the connection between applications. In other words, we are past just connecting devices. Now, we need to do something with that connection, which at this stage is called…
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In 2021 alone, humanity (and a few robots) will create 79 sextillion bytes of data. That’s nearly 10 million times the estimated number of grains of sand on Earth. And those 79 sextillion bytes of data are in addition to all the data we already have. So today, organizations everywhere are…
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