The recent DarkSide attack makes it clear: no system is safe from ransomware. And while the attackers say they weren’t out to hurt anyone, only to make money, the impact is the same. It could lead to potential disruptions of critical services across the country. At the same time, it…
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Getting a second opinion is a great idea in both medicine and end-user cybersecurity. Two-factor authentication (2FA) and multifactor authentication (MFA) are powerful tools in the fight against all kinds of cyberattacks that involve end-user devices and internet-based services. There’s just one big problem: it’s far, far too common for…
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Throughout my lifetime, I’ve wondered on many occasions how my life would have changed had I made a different decision at a critical point — picked a different college, taken a different job or moved to another town. I’ve often wished that I could watch a movie of the different…
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You’ve seen the memes and the warnings on social media — answering questions about your life history is ruining your password safety. It’s giving the bad guys the information they need to figure out your passwords and get the answers to your security questions. But is that true? Are people…
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