How the White House sees the future of safeguarding AI

On October 30, 2023, President Biden issued an executive order (EO) to set new standards for the safety and security of Artificial Intelligence (AI). The move sets out the government’s intentions to regulate and further advance the growth of AI technology in the years ahead. Yet the question remains if…

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What cybersecurity pros can learn from first responders

Though they may initially seem very different, there are some compelling similarities between cybersecurity professionals and traditional first responders like police and EMTs. After all, in a world where a cyberattack on critical infrastructure could cause untold damage and harm, cyber responders must be ready for anything. But are they…

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Unified endpoint management for purpose-based devices

As purpose-built devices become increasingly common, the challenges associated with their unique management and security needs are becoming clear. What are purpose-built devices? Most fall under the category of rugged IoT devices typically used outside of an office environment and which often run on a different operating system than typical…

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