Raspberry Robin and Dridex: Two Birds of a Feather

IBM Security Managed Detection and Response (MDR) observations coupled with IBM Security X-Force malware research sheds additional light on the mysterious objectives of the operators behind the Raspberry Robin worm. Based on a comparative analysis between a downloaded Raspberry Robin DLL and a Dridex malware loader, the results show that…

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What Should Customers Ask Managed Service Providers?

Managed service providers (MSPs), sometimes called managed security services (MSS) or MSSP, play a very important role in protecting data and other digital assets and will continue to do so. Some of the benefits include, but are not limited to: Mostly predictable costs, including less burden on capital expenditure, and…

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How and Why Do Teens Become Cyber Criminals?

The search to find the mastermind of the attacker group Lapsus$ led to a home outside Oxford, England. The suspected leader was a 16-year-old. He helped take down some of the world’s biggest companies, including Microsoft, from his mother’s house. The BBC reported the teen is alleged to have earned…

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